Chicago’s hospitality scene is one of the main reasons it’s a world-class city. From our restaurants and attractions to our entertainment and nightlife venues, Chicago is second to none.
The driving force behind the hospitality industry is its people. The visionaries. The leaders. The doers. They make the collective heart of our great city beat. Faces of Chicago Hospitality was created to celebrate these outstanding people and the premier businesses that they represent.
Speaking of excellence, I’d like to thank my teammates at Ateema for all their hard work putting together this program. I’m so lucky to be able to work with them on a daily basis.
If you’re looking for some fun, I highly recommend that you use this publication as a “to do list” for enjoying Chicago’s hospitality scene. We’ve spotlighted Chicago icons, neighborhood legends, innovative new businesses, best of class organizations, great entertainment, historic companies, tasty cuisines and so much more. You could literally use Faces of Chicago Hospitality to create an itinerary that includes restaurants for every meal and snacks, adult beverages of all sorts, transportation, tours, entertainment, a cigar shop, a dispensary and even a spa.
Given all the business categories you’ll see covered in this publication, you will not see two in the same category. What makes this program exclusive is that only one business is picked to represent each category. Our internal steering committee strived to invite professional, top quality businesses that provide exceptional experiences within their categories to invest in this program. If you’d like to suggest a company for next year’s edition, email us at Faces@Ateema.com.

You can find the digital version of this program at FacesOfChi.com. I hope you’ll enjoy consuming this interesting content as much as we enjoyed putting it together. I encourage you to share the link with your friends and family that would also enjoy it!