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Judy Sunvold | National Concierge Association


The National Concierge Association - Chicago Chapter is redefining the hospitality industry with an innovative approach to providing exceptional services. As a concierge and hospitality association, the NCA-CC understands that the trends of concierge services are expanding into all industries. The group’s aim is to provide education and networking opportunities to members while keeping the client in mind.

Its members represent positions in the local hotel, corporate, retail, residential, private, medical and conference industries. The Chicago Chapter creates a place for members to stay educated in trends, build a network and learn through collaboration. The association values all employees performing concierge services, providing outstanding amenity work solutions and working through the resources of its affiliate member network.

The National Concierge Association - Chicago Chapter has been setting the standard for exceptional services since its charter in 1998. The monthly meetings, educational sessions and philanthropic endeavors are a testament to its dedication to the concierge hospitality profession.

The Chicago Chapter offers networking opportunities with other NCA chapters nationwide, recognition through awards and certifications and endorsements for members. You can join the Board of Directors at a meeting as its guest to see what the NCA - Chicago Chapter has to offer.

Faces of Chicago Hospitality

405 W Superior St, Suite #706, Chicago, IL 60564


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